6 products in this product line
In order to prevent the occurrence of food safety hazards, it is primordial to establish good sanitation practices through a series of strict measures. However, companies do not necessarily have control over the hazardous agents consumers can be exposed to. Among the main sources of contamination, INSECTS are often considered of great nuisance. Following the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) food safety principles during the processing system must be accompanied by action and is vital to avoid adverse health consequences on the customers.
To help implementing food safety in a given environment, we have designed equipment based on different applications,

Our product line includes:
  • Air curtains for refrigerators to prevent cold air from overflowing the storage area.
  • Insect-proof air curtains
  • Commercial insect light trap (bug keeper)
  • Door type insect light trap (bug shield)

In addition, our products use physical trapping technology, which is NON-TOXIC, ODORLESS & WITHOUT the use of pharmaceuticals and electric shocks (to avoid indirect impact of drug residues on the consumer products.)

Invasion Way Fly-In Crawl-In Drain-Fertilization Indoor-Fertilization
Illustration proimages/product/insect-control-facility/insect_01_flyin.png proimages/product/insect-control-facility/insect_02_crawlin.png proimages/product/insect-control-facility/insect_03_drain.png proimages/product/insect-control-facility/insect_04_indoor.png
Amount Majority Minor Minor but incline to mass reproduction due to environment Minor but incline to mass reproduction due to environment
Type Bees, Beetles, Worms Ants, Bugs, Millipedes Fruit Flies, Fleas, Flies Louses, Cockroaches, Spiders
Product Recommendation Insect-Proof Air Curtain -
Commercial Insect Light Trap - Commercial Insect Light Trap
Door Type Insect Light Trap
Insect Source Outdoors Indoors, Outdoors Indoors, Outdoors Indoors
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
HACCP is a science-based approach to food safety in a processing system. The system focuses on producing products with the lowest risk of harm from a preventive perspective for human use.